Thursday, 25 May 2017


My friends and I swiftly jog across whangamata rocky terrain while  glancing at the
marvelous waves. On the shore. Now I get a good look at the waves bombarding  the ocean surface.  I start sprinting through the shallow water.
In deeper water my hips and under are sermage in the chilly water. I use all my momentum to swing onto my surfboard and land in a surfing position. I spot my wave and I go for it, in the moment not having a clue in the world what going on as I glide smoothly through the waves.
Many activities have age restrictions like like video games movies and social media but today I am going to talk about movies.

Why we have age restrictions? The main reason we have age restrictions is because of violence,coarse language,horror and killing.

What age restrictions stand for? Different countries have different age restrictions.
G is a movies for everyone. PG these movies need a parent if there is violence it will be mild. M these movies need a mature attitude towards the movie.
R13 is when you have to be 13 or over.RP13 is like pg but you have to 13 and over. That goes all the way to RP18.

That was a brief report on age restriction which I hoped you learned something new about age restriction.


Fidget Spinner

                             Fidget Spinners
My opening statement,. I can fidget with a pen,pencil and rubber and nothing happens but when I fidget with a fidget spinner I get told of. ,Why, Well I don't know but I do know the spinner is not the problem the kids are the problem, when you spin it does not bother the teacher but when kids fuss over them that bothers teachers “can I have a trun” “me next” “wow it lights up” or because it resembles a toy.So the child should not have is fidget toys taken often him or her.The father should be told off. It is for kids with ADHD for this disability it is a quick and they deserve more than a $7 toy but for a regular fidgeting kid his Innovation it is perfect.

Thursday, 23 March 2017

This video has help me with my writing.

Tuesday, 21 March 2017

Usain Bolt 2016

This video reflects on my writing that I am doing in class about Usain Bolt.

zubair camp wiring

Why Year Six Should Look forward To Year Seven Camp by Zubair

If you thought  year six camp was fun wait till year seven camp. It’s full of thrills and spills and extreme activities and I’m gonna tell you about them so you can look forward to them.

On the first day you will arrive at the mount. Then go for a relaxing uphill walk then go to the hot pools. Once you're done you will setoff to the campsite and trust me it’s amazing mini golf,tramp, and lot’s of time with your mate’s

Waimarino is a joyful water park full of activity that will challenge and test  your teamwork and your mental and psychical skills. Bombs and manuos of the high diving board gave me thrills. The blob was amazing making my friends fly into the water was a blast. Going on the hygro slide and sliding down into the cool water on a foam mat was my favorite part of the day. It was so enjoyable I did it several times. The kayak was seshion and joyful and trilling. Given limited experience and ask ed to do tricks on a kayak is an interesting combination and a funny one. At the start the instructors will tell you how rare it is. Unfortunately my kayaks got submerged with water. It was a hot day and it kinda feel relaxing but when I notice that I Was a head underneath everyone It struck me.I was frightened at the start but everyone had a good laugh.

On the next morning I had the opportunity to
go paddle boarding it was intensely fun. Me and five other boys were set to paddle a waka around the lake. Going at high speed and racing opposing waka was heart beating. Walking around the mount wasn't so appealing as the other two activities  but I really enjoyed it.
Walking through the bush was calm and relaxing. Watching the wave coupled with the shore was a whole nother aspect  of water. To finish of the day we went to the mission house where pakea spread the word of christianity.

Our last day we went to adrenalin forest zipping at high speed was a blast. But the best part of the day was when we did the rock hop. Swimming through the rushing water aws thought at the start. But it was fun jumping into the water . Hopefully I have pumped you up for your next yaer camp.